Kambo Life NY

What is Kambo?
Kambo is the waxy secretion of a tree frog living in the northwestern part of the Amazon rainforest. The scientific name for this frog is ‘Phyllomedusa bicolor’ or ‘Giant Monkey Frog’. It has traditionally been used by indigenous people to get rid of ‘panema’ or bad luck, which allows life to become easier and flow more effortlessly, as well as for ‘hunting magic’. Kambo was used for hunting prowess and to cleanse, strengthen and energize the minds and bodies of tribal hunters. Kambo enabled them to have increased speed and stamina, eat less and sleep less during the hunt. It has also traditionally been used by indigenous people as medicine to treat snake bites, malaria, yellow fever and other epidemic diseases.
How is Kambo Administered?
Superficial burns are made by the tip of a small glowing vine, on the top layer of skin. Kambo is then applied onto the burns or “gates” and thus absorbed into the body subcutaneously and runs through the lymphatic system.
What to Expect During Your Kambo Experience
Kambo is known as an ‘ordeal’ experience. It is intense but fast, the unpleasant effects being strong and immediate, but over in about 30 minutes. During this process one experiences a purgative effect can expect to feel nauseous, vomit and perhaps use the toilet during your treatment. Purging is thought to eliminate physical, emotional and energetic toxins. Once Kambo is applied to the skin most people experience warmth of the upper body and face along with an increased heart rate. Some will have swelling of the face, ears and slight swelling of the throat. Blood pressure will rise and then fall, at which point you will experience nausea and purge. It is helpful to relax into these sensations, focus on your breath and let the Kambo do it’s work. Most people feel back to normal after an hour or so. Following a treatment many people report feeling an increase in their vital energy and an overall sense of wellness.
How is it harvested?
According to the indigenous people of the Amazon, Kambo is a Spirit of the forest and is to be treated with respect.
Harming the frog could offend the animal and result in severe misfortune. The frog is not injured during the collection of its secretion, and is released afterwards unharmed. Then the secretion is dried onto wooden sticks. Just before application, water is mixed with the dried secretion and formed into small dots which are placed onto the burn points.
Scientific research on the secretion of Phyllomedusa bicolor started in the 1980’s. Nominee of the Nobel Prize, scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome wrote that the secretion contains a ‘fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian’. ‘Kambo contains a unique and complex mix of bioactive peptides which trigger chemical reactions in the human body. Some of these peptides have been found to contribute heightened sensory perception, increased stamina, increased physical strength and in general, enhance the capacity to manage pain and stressful situations. The properties of the peptides found in Kambo cover a wide range of potential medical uses: treatment of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, skin and eyes issues, fertility problems, AIDS, hepatitis and cancer’.
The peptides in Kambo are some of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world. Kambo applications have short and long term effects. Short term, some of the effects are a heightened state of alertness, good mood, enhanced resistance to tiredness, hunger and thirst, the capacity to easily concentrate and focus, and a still mind which can last for several days or weeks. Long term, Kambo has been reported to empower the immune system, overcomes fatigue and improves one’s state of wellness. The peptide families found in Kambo, they are as follows:
Bradykinins (phyllokinin)
Tachykinins (phyllomedusin)
Spiritual Aspects of Kambo
Kambo works on a spiritual level as well as a physical one. The frog, helps to connect us with our innate wisdom and shows us what we can do in order to improve our situation in life. During Kambo treatments, we can receive insights and, changes that we need to make, can be revealed. With Kambo, an instinctive intelligence is taking over the allowance of our natural wellness. Kambo can enable us to end unhealthy habits and thought patterns and allow us to become more open to receive guidance from Spirit.
About Wendy
I am an IAKP trained and certified Master Kambo Practitioner & Instructor, having completed the Basic Level Practitioner training, Advanced Level Practitioner training, Master Practitioner Level coursework, and teacher training. I am fortunate to have had the great privilege of studying with Master Practitioner Karen Kanya Darke, founder of the International Association of Kambo Practitioners. I am honored carry Kambo.
Additionally, I am certified as a psychedelic integration and psycho-spiritual coach, yoga instructor, sound meditation facilitator, breath work facilitator, death doula, and am trauma trained in Somatic Experiencing.
Contraindications for Kambo:
As a general rule, Kambo is not for you if you have or have had any of the following conditions:
Heart bypass surgery.
Enlarged heart.
Implanted cardioverter defibrillators.
Pericardial effusion.
Congestive heart disease.
Excess fluid in the heart sack.
Heart valve replacement surgery.
Organ transplant.
Blood clots.
Serious mental health conditions.
Seriously low blood pressure that requires medication.
Currently pregnant or breastfeeding a child under the age of 1 year.
*This is not an exhaustive list so you must inform your practitioner of any health issues, medications, or supplements that you are taking. Fasting must be avoided for 7 days before or after a Kambo treatment and any water based detox should be avoided for 3 days before or after.
Sananga and Rapé
Sacred Medicines Sananga & Rapé will be offered during ceremony. Sananga is a traditional Amazonian eye drop which has been used by indigenous people of Peru and Brazil for thousands of years. Sananga facilitates physical, spiritual and energetic wellness. It works against negative energy, depression and stress induced illnesses. On a physical level, it has been used to treat glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism, conjuctivits, dry and red eyes, photophobia, keratoconus, eye infection, sinusitis, chronic headaches and chronic pain. Sananga can provide visual enhancement, assist in opening the third-eye, balancing the chakras, expanding the aura, and keeping one balanced on an emotional, spiritual and mental level.
Rapé is a sacred traditional Amazonian snuff that connects us to the spirit of the forest. It is made from sacred tobacco leaf, seeds, spices, bark, leaves, oils, herbs, flowers, roots and trees of medicinal plants and prepared with prayers and healing intentions. Rapé is blown into the nose using a pipe. During a Kambo treatment, Rapé can be used to help in the release of blockages and purging. It can also be used for headaches, sinus problems, to ground and center and intensify concentration.